Expert Donut Shop Consulting, Floor Plans, Production Training, Equipment List
Thinking of opening your donut Shop and need help?
It is difficult to know all of the decisions that you will make and what will be presented to you as a new business owner.
You may have some experience as a manager or have been an employee of a food establishment, but you will still need professional assistance on the obstacles and decisions that you have never encountered. Being a good chef or assistant does not make you a good manager or operator. This knowledge is learned and obtained over years of observation and development of skills, but with a consultant the knowledge is provided to you by someone having experienced the obstacles first hand.
The D.C.I. Advantage Summary;
Doughnut Consultants Inc. was founded in 2016 “
D.C.I. consulting includes support and services to include your site location search, development of CAD layout drawings, formulation of equipment list, assistance for shopping equipment with discounts provided on new equipment with donut-supplies.com, production training, initial product ordering assistance and guidance to help you open your store.
Support also may be provided for your business plan development, menu creation, pricing of product, training of staff, used equipment purchases and storage of your new equipment in some circumstances. D.C.I. provide's onsite training for you at your store and the initial support after your opening.
No company does this better than Doughnut Consultants Inc. or for a better price. D.C.I is a flat rate fee for their services and support.
The D.C.I. (8 book) training program is shown below. Price includes the trainers travel, training expenses for 7 days at your store, CAD drawings and consulting. For additional information go to; www.donutconsultinginc.com or (918-739-4382)